Janek Savolainen

Janek Savolainen

Joined the Vanemuine Theatre in 2000

7.02.1978, Tallinn

Graduated Choreography from the Tallinn University in 2000

Président de Tourvel – „Dangerous Liaisons“ (Haydn/Madia 2024), “Bonycrone and Captain Drum” (Pärn/Savolainen 2023), “Peter and the Wolf” (Pärn/Savolainen 2023), Guest at the Ball, Rat – “The Nutcracker – A Miraculous Christmas Eve” (Tommingas 2022), Farmhand – “The New Old Nick of Hellsbottom” (Kiljunen 2022), Guard – “Firebird / Scheherazade” (Amarante 2022), “Three Jolly Fellows 2: Rat Attack” (Pärn/Savolainen 2022), “Metamorphoses” (Traylen/Jordan/Grib 2021), Fjodor Kulygin – “There Were Three Sisters” (Chekov/Aidla 2020), Commander – “Don Juan” (Madia, 2016), Rat – “Nutcracker” (Isberg 2004/2011), King Andre – “Raymonda” (Pankova 2013), Devil – „The Old Barny” (Aints/Matvere 2013), Valentine – “Mary Poppins” (Malvius, 2011), Gorilla – “Cabaret” (Hovenbitzer 2012), “The Night in Venice” (Tommingas), „Amadé” (Tommingas), Schoolmaster – “Beauty and the Beast” (Stubbs 2013), “Cinderella” (Vilimaa), “Song of the Earth” (Tika), “Charley’s aunt” (Titov), “Blood Brothers” (Ojasoo), “Gypsy” (Tommingas), “Quiteria’s wedding” (Jansons), “Fluxus” (Kask), “Tango of Love” (Murdmaa), Figaro – “Figaro’s wedding” (Titov), “Wedding Journey” (Murdmaa), “Midsummernight’s Dream” (Fanari), “Anathema” (Stepanov), “Dance Marathon” (Murdmaa), “Soldiers Story” (Tika), Minna Berneis – “Sigmund & Freud” (Pepeljajev 2007), Father, Shadow of Peter Pan, Crocodile – “Peter Pan” (Titova 2008), Petruschka – “Petruschka’s Afternoon” (Lidberg 2010), Perseus, Jesus Christ – Peter Shaffer “Gorgo kingitus” (2010), Wilfried – “Giselle” (Fečo 2007), Photographer – “Sleeping Beauty” (Isberg 2008), Lible – “Spring” (Stepanov 2009), Jackal – “Mowgli” (Tommingas 2010), Puck, Robin – “Fairy Queen” (Pepeljajev 2011), Monkey – “Tagasi Eestisse” (Vadi 2012), “Onegin” (Medvedjev 2007)

Productions in Vanemuine
“Bonycrone and Captain Drum” (2023), “Peter and the Wolf” (2023), “Three Jolly Fellows 2: Rat Attack” (2022), “Klaabu” (2019), “A Trechang Hidalgo Don Quixote from La Mancha” (2019), “Three Jolly Fellows” (2017), “Master and Margarita” (2014), “Old man and the Sea” (2010), “Nixon” (2006), “This is a small step for a man…” (2003), “Bamby” (2001)

Other work
Director-choreographer for “Swan Lakes” (Pärn/Savolainen 2023, Must Kast)
Choreographer for “The Parson of Reigi” (Baskin 2014), “Cosmonaut Lotte” (Mäeots 2012), “Peko” (Mäeots 2011), “Detective Lotte” (Mäeots 2008)
Video Designer for “Metamorphoses” (Traylen/Jordan/Grib 2021), “Gatsby / La Dolce Vita” (Stubbs/Madia 2015), “Thriller – Tribute to Michael Jackson” (Bradley 2013), “Calendar Girls” (Sepp 2012), “Abba” (Stepanov 2011)

Estonian Theatre Union’s Annual Award in 2020 for the dance performance for children “Klaabu” – Janek Savolainen and Katrin Pärn