
Kristiina Alliksaar uuesti Vanemuise juhiks ei kandideeri

Raimu Hanson, Tartu Postimees

Vanemuise teatrijuhi Kristiina Alliksaare leping sellel ametikohal lõpeb 30. juunil. «Ma edasi Vanemuise direktoriks ei kandideeri. Teen seni täie jõuga tööd edasi ja juhin teatrit,» ütles ta.

Kuidas on teatrijuhi ameti mahapanek, täpsemalt kandideerimata jätmine seotud Vanemuise majandusliku olukorraga? Kui suur on eelarveline miinus?

Alliksaare sõnul lõpetas Vanemuine 2021. aasta korralikus plussis, kusjuures olid kaetud kõik eelmised miinused. «Vanemuine ei ole praegu kusagilt miinuses,» lisas ta. «Eelmise aasta tulemustega me praegu alles tegeleme, aasta 2022 ei ole veel lukus, aga ka sealt ei tule mingit radikaalset miinust – vaatamata energiahindadele ja kõigele muule.»

Kas Vanemuise juhi kohalt lahkumise otsus on tehtud seoses teatrite rahastamise teemaga? «Ei ole,» vastas ta. «See otsus on tehtud varem ja teatri nõukogule edastatud juba detsembris.»

Selgituseks lisas Alliksaar, et täna, 25. jaanuaril täitub tal üheksa aastat teatrijuhina. «See on pool minu tööelust. Olen selle aja jooksul ühe suure maja renoveerimist juhtinud, elanud üle koroonakriisi ja tegelenud teatrite rahastamisega, ma olen lihtsalt väsinud. Mul ei ole praegu enam jaksu tegeleda nende teemadega, mis tahavad väga aktiivselt tegelemist.»

Kristiina Alliksaar valiti Vanemuise teatri juhiks 15. jaanuaril 2019, tööd alustas ta sama aasta augustis. Varem juhtis ta Viljandi Ugala teatrit. Alliksaar on ka Eesti etendusasutuste liidu juhatuse esimees.
(Tartu Postimees, 25.02.2023)


Kristiina Alliksaar will not run for Vanemuine’s manager again
The Vanemuine theatre manager Kristiina Alliksaar’s contract ends on June 30. «I will not apply for the Vanemuine theatre manager’s position again. I will continue working with full power and lead the theatre until then,» she said.
How is the dismissal of the theatre manager’s position, or more specifically, not applying again, related to Vanemuine’s economic situation? How big is the budget deficit?
Alliksaar said that the Vanemuine ended the year 2021 with a decent plus, while all the previously accumulated minuses were also covered. «The Vanemuine is nowhere in a deficit right now,» she added. «We are currently working on the last year’s results, the year 2022 is not finalized yet but there is not going to be a radical deficit – regardless of the energy prices and everything else.»
Does the decision to leave the position of Vanemuine’s theatre manager have any connection with the topic of financing theatres? “No,” she answered. “This decision was made earlier and forwarded to the theatre’s council already in December.”
Alliksaar added that today, on January 25, she will complete nine years as a theatre manager. “This means half of my working life. During this time, I have managed the renovation of a large building, survived the corona crisis and handled the business of financing theatres, I am just tired. Right now, I no longer have the strength to deal with those topics that need to be dealt with very actively.»
Kristiina Alliksaar was elected as the Vanemuine theatre manager on January 15, 2019, she started working in August of the same year. Earlier, she was the theatre manager of the Viljandi Ugala Theatre. Alliksaar is also the chairman of the board of the Estonian Association of Performing Arts Institutions.
(Tartu Postimees, 25.02.2023)
