Buy ticket

Book in advance

Ticket bookings to our performances are made by the box-office of Vanemuine Theatre, who you can contact by e-mail

We kindly ask you to purchase pre-booked tickets 30 days after the reservation, but no longer than one month before the perfomance. If there is less than a month left until the performance, ticket reservations can not be made.

Pre-booked tickets can be purchased via bank transfer.
Bank coordinates
Payment to: Rahandusministeerium
IBAN: EE93 22002210 23778606
Reference No: 3500081458
Settlement SA Teater Vanemuine, name of the performance and date, name of the person who made the booking, number of tickets and cost.

If you wish to recieve an invoice, please let our box-office know, by writing an e-mail to