Pisuhänd 2

Pisuhänd 2

MATILDE: But if the fame of Pisuhänd wanes one day – could you help Sander, your brother-in-law, with a new novel?

PIIBELEHT: I’d be delighted to – if any of my works turn out so well again that they’re in danger of receiving an award! 

At the end of Estonian playwright Eduard Vilde’s most famous play Pisuhänd, a possibility remains open that Tiit Piibeleht’s services would be required again. Pisuhänd 2 continues where Pisuhänd left off. Ludvig Sander’s apparent literary and social success needs a new triumph that only Tiit Piibeleht can help with.

Time goes on, but at their hearts, people do not change. There is always someone who wants to have everything they never had any prerequisites for, while others succeed with playful ease. This time we will meet characters already familiar from Pisuhänd, but they have moved on with their lives: some have married or graduated from university, others have tried a new profession. Nevertheless, this world operates based on the eternal law of nature: “Sometimes it is Vestmann below and Piibeleht on top, then again Piibeleht below and Vestman on top”.   

Vilde’s Pisuhänd reached the stage in 1913, but Pisuhänd 2 will premiere in 2023, 110 years later.

What might the title Pisuhänd mean? Read more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kratt

Premiere on 1 April 2023 at the Grand Building of the Vanemuine Theatre


Authors Eduard Vilde and Tiit Palu
Director Tiit Palu
Scenographer Maarja Meeru
Lighting Designer Andres Sarv

Cast Ken Rüütel, Maarja Johanna Mägi, Karol Kuntsel, Kärt Kull, Hannes Kaljujärv, Külliki Saldre
