The King’s Command

The King’s Command

Somewhat by chance, the young Käsu Hans receives a task from the King of Sweden. However, one lifetime is not enough to fulfil it. Hans is not allowed a moment’s rest until the order is fulfilled. He must travel between centuries and capitals, to tirelessly proclaim his command. He must intervene in the fates of kingdoms and stand beside great historical figures, but the biggest challenge of all is to make himself heard in his homeland. The journey through the ages is sometimes jolly, sometimes troubled – just like life itself.

The protagonist Käsu Hans is a historical personage from the so-called good old Swedish era. He was one of the first Estonian school teachers and his surviving “lament“ describes the fall of Tartu to the troops of Peter I in the Great Northern War. In this fantasy-filled story by Mart Kivastik, Käsu Hans is a prophet and a harbinger for whom the command given remains valid to this day.

Premiere on June 28th 2024 in the ruins of Tartu Cathedral


Author Mart Kivastik
Director Tiit Palu
Scenographer Maarja Meeru
Music by Ardo Ran Varres
Song lyrics by Aapo Ilves
Movement Director Kaire Russ
Lighting Designer Andres Sarv

Cast Karol Kuntsel, Lena Barbara Luhse, Ken Rüütel, Kaarel Pogga, Veiko Porkanen, Kristin Prits, Rasmus Vendel, Greg Värnomasing, Ruslan Trochynskyi, Rute Trochynskyi, Meelis Hansing


