The Prophet and the Idiot
The Prophet and the Idiot
- Comedy
- The Small Building of Vanemuine Theatre
- Length: 02:50
- Next 25.02 - 19:00
An accidental meeting takes place in a parking house between self-taught astrophysicist Petra whose calculations indicate that the world is about to end at any moment, and master chef Johan who cooks divinely but his understanding of the world is…inadequate, to say the least. Soon they are joined by 75-year-old Agnes, a busy lady who is brilliant at earning money on the Internet. Together they embark on a wild journey where nothing goes as planned but takes the odd threesome to meet some of the world’s greatest figures such as president Obama, the Secretary-General of the United Nations and others.
Jonas Jonasson is a Swedish journalist and writer whose debut novel The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared became an international bestseller. The Prophet and the Idiot is the author’s newest novel that was published in Sweden in 2022.
Premiere on 14 February 2024 in the Small Building of the Vanemuine Theatre
Author Jonas Jonasson
Director Ain Mäeots
Scenographer Iir Hermeliin
Musical Designer Ele Sonn
Lighting Designer Imbi Mälk
Coreographer Alice Aleksandridi
Dramaturges Kristiina Jalasto, Ain Mäeots, Loone Ots
Lyrics by Aapo Ilves, Henry Kõrvits (Genka) and Loone Ots
Cast Oskar Seeman, Merlin Kivi, Merle Jääger, Maria Annus, Nele-Liis Vaiksoo, Priit Strandberg,
Hannes Kaljujärv, Rein Pakk and Äge Brass